Ways of observing

Posted on ma 19 april 2021 in tools • Gewijzigd op 08 mei 2024 • Tagged with ways of observing

The Nine Ways of Observing come from The Earth Path, a book by Starhawk.

I have used this tool in all my designs. I find that good, thoughtful, long observation is key to making good, thoughtful and effective designs.

  • I wonder...

    • Looking at the system with childlike amazement. Fostering an …

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Workshop Design Your Life

Posted on wo 19 februari 2020 in workshop • Gewijzigd op 09 november 2020 • Tagged with workshop, permaculture, ways of observing, forms of capital, bullet journaling, dragon dreaming, dreaming circle, community, life design, social design, 4 questions, vision, mental inventory

This workshop is in response to a question from Ana and Gábor for help with finding direction in their lives. The outline below is based on the process I followed for the design of my own life with additional resources from books, websites and blog posts I have read and …

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Design balcony

Posted on do 27 december 2018 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, urban design, SADIMet, ways of observing, ethics, Holmgren principles


Ilona and Stefan want to limit the view from the neighbors. They would like a nice environment to look out onto from their living room.

Design team

The design was done by:

  • Arno Peters (permaculture designer)
  • Ina Heinz (permaculture designer)

Design strategy

We used SADIMet for this design.

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Design family project in Gunsleben

Posted on vr 28 september 2018 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, building design, SADIMet, kanban, client interview, ways of observing, ethics, dreaming circle, mind map, mapping, zones and sectors, SWOC, PMI, attitudinal principles, planning for real, input output analysis

map of the site

Map created from satellite image, openstreetmap and provided sketch. Download and open the file in a vector editor like Inkscape to see and play with the different layers.

Design summary

This work is the result of a PDC held in Gunsleben, Germany. The first week was …

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Design Arno's company

Posted on di 25 september 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 28 augustus 2019 • Tagged with permaculture, general design, CEAP, ways of observing, client interview, ethics, attitudinal principles, Holmgren principles


I currently work for a few customers as a programmer and for a few others as a systems administrator for their Linux systems.

Current situation (2018) is a physical servers at two different locations. One is in a local data center with a optic fiber connection and one is …

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Project Gunsleben - General Design - Dreaming phase

Posted on di 10 juli 2018 in surveys • Tagged with permaculture, general design, dragon dreaming, dragon dreaming dreaming, Gunsleben, client interview, mapping, ways of observing, forms of capital, flow, history

This is the place we gather information about the project. See the design overview for the big picture.

Loes and Brand are hereafter referred to as the parents.


map of the site

Map created from satellite image, openstreetmap and provided sketch. Download and open the file in a vector …

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Design Online Learning Community

Posted on di 26 juni 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 28 december 2018 • Tagged with permaculture, social design, dragon dreaming, 5 W's, ways of observing, Open Spaces, DAFOR(N)


Learning community mailing list:

Design team:

  • Arno Peters
  • Judit Somogyi
  • Thor Markussen

Note: this design has been abandoned.

Design strategy

For presentation purposes, we use Dragon Dreaming for this design.

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Hexagons Proeftuin Meerhoven

Posted on ma 25 juni 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 14 augustus 2018 • Tagged with permaculture, building design, Eindhoven, planning for real, client interview, 5 W's, ways of observing, PMI, functions and elements, 4 questions, abandoned design

Photo of hexagon and base layer of pallets on 2018-06-18

Base for the hexagon and the first layer of pallets.

Note: this design has been abandoned.


Proeftuin Meerhoven is cooperative maintaining a community garden in Eindhoven. I am a member of the cooperative. The municipality of Eindhoven has given us about 6000 m² of public land to garden on …

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Design Summer Party

Posted on ma 04 juni 2018 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, social design, Eindhoven, party, CEAP, 5 W's, ways of observing, flow, ethics, attitudinal principles, kanban, 4 questions, season: summer


One of the challenges facing us the coming years is a return to a more communal way of living. A party is a good way to practice coming together and exchanging ideas and inspiration. A way also to connect different circles of people.

The goal is to create a …

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Survey Arno's life

Posted on wo 30 mei 2018 in surveys • Gewijzigd op 19 februari 2020 • Tagged with permaculture, social design, dreaming circle, vision, mission, ways of observing, thinking in patterns, life weeks, Simple Critical Infrastructure Maps, Integrated Needs Analysis Matrix, ways to die, forms of capital

This survey is part of Arno's design for his life.

About me

I am a 40+ male of the species Homo sapiens sapiens.

Vision and mission

I created the vision and mission using a dreaming circle.


I am an elder in a community of people. I live a content …

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