Permaculture Ethics and Principles

Posted on vr 05 mei 2023 in tools • Tagged with permaculture, ethics, Holmgren principles, attitudinal principles


  • Earth care
  • People care
  • Fair share / Future care

To consider for Earth Care and Future Care:

  • Refuse
  • Rethink
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Repair
  • Repurpose
  • Recycle
  • Recover

Attitudinal principles

  • Multiple elements x multiple functions
  • Everything gardens
  • The problem is the solution
  • Yield is theoretically unlimited
  • Work with nature
  • Minimum effort, maximum effect …

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Haybox from common household items

Posted on ma 14 januari 2019 in designs • Gewijzigd op 07 oktober 2019 • Tagged with permaculture, urban design, appropriate technology, CEAP, zones and sectors, ethics, attitudinal principles

This is a small design I did to show the different options available for making a haybox at home.

haybox in use


In our household we try to reduce our need for fossil fuels. One way is to prevent cooling of a heated substance by adding insulation. For ourselves we use layers …

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Designing a food forest in Nuenen

Posted on ma 07 januari 2019 in designs • Gewijzigd op 15 april 2019 • Tagged with permaculture, food forest design, Nuenen, zones and sectors, planning for real, client interview, ethics, attitudinal principles, hugelculture, compost

Overview map

Overview map (courtesy of OpenStreetMap) © OpenStreetMap-auteurs. The red area shows where the food forest is located within the grounds of the Weverkeshof.


The Weverkeshof is a city farm in Nuenen. They would like to convert a (small) part of their grounds into a food forest. This page details how …

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Design balcony

Posted on do 27 december 2018 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, urban design, SADIMet, ways of observing, ethics, Holmgren principles


Ilona and Stefan want to limit the view from the neighbors. They would like a nice environment to look out onto from their living room.

Design team

The design was done by:

  • Arno Peters (permaculture designer)
  • Ina Heinz (permaculture designer)

Design strategy

We used SADIMet for this design.

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Design family project in Gunsleben

Posted on vr 28 september 2018 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, building design, SADIMet, kanban, client interview, ways of observing, ethics, dreaming circle, mind map, mapping, zones and sectors, SWOC, PMI, attitudinal principles, planning for real, input output analysis

map of the site

Map created from satellite image, openstreetmap and provided sketch. Download and open the file in a vector editor like Inkscape to see and play with the different layers.

Design summary

This work is the result of a PDC held in Gunsleben, Germany. The first week was …

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Design Arno's company

Posted on di 25 september 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 28 augustus 2019 • Tagged with permaculture, general design, CEAP, ways of observing, client interview, ethics, attitudinal principles, Holmgren principles


I currently work for a few customers as a programmer and for a few others as a systems administrator for their Linux systems.

Current situation (2018) is a physical servers at two different locations. One is in a local data center with a optic fiber connection and one is …

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Project Gunsleben - General design - Planning phase

Posted on vr 13 juli 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 24 juli 2018 • Tagged with permaculture, dragon dreaming, dragon dreaming planning, Gunsleben, ethics, Holmgren principles, ways to die, dragon dreaming celebrating, abandoned design

This is the place where we analyze and consider alternatives. See the design overview for the big picture.

Note: this design has been abandoned.

Consideration of Alternatives


  • Earth care
    • Reduce
      • create small living spaces, easily heated
      • use solar energy where possible
      • limited use of power tools, tractors and other …

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Design Summer Party

Posted on ma 04 juni 2018 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, social design, Eindhoven, party, CEAP, 5 W's, ways of observing, flow, ethics, attitudinal principles, kanban, 4 questions, season: summer


One of the challenges facing us the coming years is a return to a more communal way of living. A party is a good way to practice coming together and exchanging ideas and inspiration. A way also to connect different circles of people.

The goal is to create a …

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Design Arno's life

Posted on wo 30 mei 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 29 september 2019 • Tagged with permaculture, social design, CEAP, 3 happy lives, ikigai, ethics, attitudinal principles, Holmgren principles, web of goals, core human needs, early retirement extreme

This is a permaculture design design for my life. This page documents the process and the design. I used CEAP as the design process.

Collect information

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


Knowing yourself …

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Design Arno's backyard (2018)

Posted on do 24 mei 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 30 december 2018 • Tagged with permaculture, garden design, Eindhoven, CEAP, client interview, ethics, zones and sectors, ways of observing, attitudinal principles, Holmgren principles

This is the main design for the backyard. It ties the other designs for the garden together.

Arno's jungle on 2018-05-18

Backyard in the middle of May 2018.

My front yard and back yard provide the perfect practice ground for trying out new ideas. These pages document some of the ideas I have executed …

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