Permaculture Ethics and Principles

Posted on vr 05 mei 2023 in tools • Tagged with permaculture, ethics, Holmgren principles, attitudinal principles


  • Earth care
  • People care
  • Fair share / Future care

To consider for Earth Care and Future Care:

  • Refuse
  • Rethink
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Repair
  • Repurpose
  • Recycle
  • Recover

Attitudinal principles

  • Multiple elements x multiple functions
  • Everything gardens
  • The problem is the solution
  • Yield is theoretically unlimited
  • Work with nature
  • Minimum effort, maximum effect …

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Survey for a location design

Posted on vr 05 mei 2023 in surveys • Tagged with permaculture, survey, community, location design

I'm collecting information for a design on location. This to validate our current choice of location and / or to find another place that is more suitable to our wants and needs.

Money and energy needs of different sized communities

Estimation of monetary needs for a community of size n. Expenses …

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PASTE survey for the backyard (2022)

Posted on di 07 juni 2022 in surveys • Tagged with permaculture, survey, backyard, PASTE, DAFOR(N)

This survey is for a revision of the design for the backyard.

The extra information for each plant is derived from the following sources:




  • Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca (mirabelle plum / mirabel)
    • only …

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PASTE survey allotment garden (2022)

Posted on vr 20 mei 2022 in surveys • Tagged with permaculture, survey, PASTE, garden design, Eindhoven, season: summer

Starting from 2018-09-01, Ina and I have rented an allotment at an association nearby. This survey lists the different species discovered in May 2022. For comparison, last year ago I did the same thing.

This list is part of the ongoing design for the allotment garden.


  • Achillea millefolium (common …

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Facilitation: Design a Healer's Practice

Posted on di 20 juli 2021 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, life design, social design, design web, facilitation, zettelkasten, dreaming circle, vision, brainstorm, mind map, mental inventory, bullet journaling, year compass, burn rate, 4 questions, Holmgren principles, functions and elements


After the recent completion of his courses in alternative forms of health care, a close friend intends to set up a business offering these types of therapy for clients. I offered my help in creating a design for his practice. I have run my own business for over ten …

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PASTE survey allotment garden (2021)

Posted on di 22 juni 2021 in surveys • Tagged with permaculture, survey, PASTE, garden design, Eindhoven, season: summer

Starting from 2018-09-01, Ina and I have rented an allotment at an association nearby. This survey lists the different species discovered in June 2021. For comparison, last year ago I did the same thing.

This list is part of the ongoing design for the allotment garden.


  • Achillea millefolium (common …

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Introductieworkshop Permacultuur

Posted on do 03 juni 2021 in workshop • Tagged with workshop, permaculture

Deze workshop is vol.

Had je mee willen doen? Meld je interesse via de contactpagina, dan houd ik je op de hoogte van nieuwe workshops.

Hallo allemaal,

Ik ben Arno Peters en ik wil jullie graag uitnodigen voor mijn Introductieworkshop Permacultuur. Ik houd deze workshop in Voedselbos Eindhoven op zaterdagmiddag …

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Ideas for workshops in permaculture

Posted on ma 19 april 2021 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, workshop, survey

I have grouped this information by theme. The subsections detail possible subjects within this theme.

Depending on the subject, these can be taught in workshops and courses ranging from 2 hours to 2x 8 hours.

An appropriate selection of all these workshops can make up a full Permaculture Design Course …

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Designer's Toolbox

Posted on wo 06 januari 2021 in tools • Tagged with permaculture, toolbox

A toolbox contains a set of useful tools for artisans to use. A carpenter's toolbox has hammers, chisels, planes, etc. A plumber's toolbox has wrenches, nuts, pieces of pipe, etc.

A permaculture designer's toolbox contains tools useful for designing with permaculture. I have documented a few on this site. I …

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Posted on ma 28 september 2020 in tools • Tagged with permaculture, PMI

PMI stands for Plus, Minus, Interesting. It is an analysis tool for ranking between different options to find the one that may be best among the available alternatives at this point in time.


When in a group, someone presents the different options. For every option, the other participants give …

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