PASTE survey allotment garden (2024)
Posted on vr 20 december 2024 in surveys
Starting from September 2018, Ina and I have rented an allotment at an association nearby. Ina quit the allotment in January 2023. I have ended our contract with the association in December 2024.
This survey lists the species found in the garden in 2024.
This list is part of the design for the allotment garden.
- Achillea millefolium (common yarrow / duizendblad)
- Aegopodium podagraria (ground elder / zevenblad)
- tender leaves used as a spring leaf vegetable, much as spinach
- dried leaves taste like parsely
- Aquilegia vulgaris (European columbine / wilde akelei)
- Armoracia rusticana (horseradish / mierik)
- Brassica juncea ssp. Integrifolia (leaf mustards / bladmosterd)
- Brassica juncea ssp. Juncea (mustard greens / mosterdplanten)
- Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse / herderstasje)
- Brassicacea family
- Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bittercress / kleine veldkers)
- Brassicacea family
- Claytonia perfoliata (Indian lettuce / winterpostelein)
- resistant to frost
- important source of vitamin C and minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron
- whole plant is edible
- Corylus avellana (hazel / hazelaar)
- Elaeagnus umbellata (silverberry / zilverbes)
- nitrogen fixer
- edible berries
- propagated from a cutting
- Erigeron canadensis (horseweed / Canadese fijnstraal)
- used to treat boils, snake poison and menstrual pain
- Foeniculum vulgare (fennel / venkel)
- a highly aromatic and flavorful herb
- along with anise, one of the primary ingredients of absinthe
- bulb-like stem base can be used as a vegetable
- Galium aparine (cleavers / kleefkruid)
- Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke / aardpeer)
- tubers are used in the same ways as potatoes
- tubers can be eaten raw
- when raw and sliced thinly, they are fit for a salad.
- can be fermented after cleaning and drying
- Houttuynia cordata (fish mint / moerasanemoon)
- smells and tastes like Coriandrum sativum (cilantro / koriander)
- Humulus lupulus (common hop / hop)
- Juglans regia (common walnut / okkernoot)
- Leonorus cardiaca (motherwort / hartgespan)
- herbacious, perennial, mint family
- leafs used to spice pea and lentil soup
- attractive for bumble bees
- used in treating heart disease and muscle cramps
- Lycium barbarum (Chinese wolfberry / boksdoorn)
- berries known as gojiberry
- nightshade family
- Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm / citroenmelisse)
- scent attracts bees
- make tea from leaves
- use as flavouring for dishes
- source of essential oil
- Mentha suaveolens (Apple mint / witte munt)
- blooms July - October
- make tea from leaves
- source of essential oil
- Morus alba (white mulberry / witte moerbei)
- Nepeta cataria (catnip / wild kattenkruid)
- Oenothera biennis (common evening-primrose / middelste teunisbloem)
- Pastinaca sativa (parsnip / pastinaak)
- main supplier of calories before potatoes were introduced
- cook or fry
- Potentilla indica (mock strawberry / schijnaardbei)
- Pulmonaria affinis Jord. (lungwort / tuinlongkruid)
- Prunus avium (sweet cherry / zoete kers)
- Rheum × hybridum (culinary rhubarb / tuinrabarber)
- Ribes nigrum (blackcurrant / zwarte bes)
- Ribes rubrum (redcurrant / rode bes)
- Rubus idaeus (raspberry / framboos)
- Rubus fruticosus (blackberry / gewone braam)
- Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese wineberry / Japanse wijnbes)
- Rubus × loganobaccus (loganberry / loganbes, braamboos)
- Rumex acetosella (sheep's sorrel / schapenzuring)
- Rumex obtusifolius (bitter dock / ridderzuring)
- Salvia officinalis (sage / salie)
- Solanum lycopersicum (tomato / tomaat)
- several cultivars
- Solanum tuberosum (potato / aardappel)
- several cultivars
- Stellaria media (chickweed / vogelmuur)
- Symphytum officinale (common comfrey / gewone smeerwortel)
- Tulipa tarda (tulip / tulp)
- Urtica dioica (common nettle / grote brandnetel)
- Urtica urens (dwarf nettle / kleine brandnetel)
- Vitis vinifera (common grape vine / wijndruif)
- birds / vogels
- Columba palumbus (wood pigeon / houtduif)
- Corvus monedula (Western jackdaw / kauw)
- Erithacus rubecula (European robin / roodborstje)
- Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian jay / gaai)
- Pica pica (common magpie / ekster)
- Troglodytes troglodytes (/ winterkoning)
- mammals / zoogdieren
- Felis silvestris catus (domesticated cat / huiskat)
- Homo sapiens sapiens (human / mens)
- Mus musculus (house mouse / huismuis)
- insects / beetles
- Aphididae (aphid / bladluis)
- Bombus terrestris (buff-tailed bumblebee / aardhommel)
- Coccinellae (ladybird / lieveheesbeestje)
- Formicidae (ant / mier)
- Pieris rapae (small white / klein koolwitje)
- Pyrrhocoris apterus (firebug / vuurwants)
- Sphinx ligustri (privet hawk moth / ligusterpijlstaart)
- Syrphidae (hoverfly / zweefvlieg)
- Vanessa atalanta (red admiral / atalanta)
- shed at the back
- greenhouse at the back (somewhat shaded)
- greenhouse in the middle (missing 5 window panes)
- concrete tile seating area and path
- fence made from wood and chicken wire
- compost bin
- two rain barrels
- small gardening tools
- plastic gardening pots
- plastic storage container
- two plastic buckets (10l)
- one plastic bucket with lid (20l)
- two watering cans (10l) and one detachable rose (NL: broes)
- humans walk by garden along main path
- humans sit in garden
- humans walk, work, harvest in garden
- cats visit garden
- last year (2023) 1199 mm rain, extremely wet autumn and winter