Patterns in Business

Posted on vr 31 mei 2024 in tools • Tagged with thinking in patterns

Some of the patterns most businesses will face at some point.

  • legal structure
  • record keeping
    • bookkeeping
      • what counts as business expense
      • what counts as income
      • is the business liable for taxes
        • VAT
        • income …

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Posted on vr 15 december 2023 in tools • Tagged with zones and sectors

Zones in permaculture is a concept for roughly categorizing areas according to ease and/or frequency of access.

00:Your own body.
0:The base of operations under consideration.
1:Offers easy, quick access but not as immediate as zone 0.
2:Somewhat more involved access. Still regularly visited.
3 …

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Spiritual Alchemy

Posted on vr 15 december 2023 in tools • Tagged with shadow work

This is a type of shadow work. It helped me tremendously and I am thankful for having found these through the writings of John Michael Greer. He published the teachings starting in July 2021.

Back then, he wrote:

Spiritual alchemy begins with the transmutation of the emotional life. This is …

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Periodic Reviews

Posted on wo 13 september 2023 in tools • Tagged with bullet journaling, feedback, year compass, web of goals

I use periodic reviews in order to keep track of the main currents in my life. The day to day is too chaotic to discern much structure. Looking back over longer periods of time teases these patterns out in the open. It's similar to canoeing in a white water river …

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Design Web

Posted on do 25 mei 2023 in tools • Tagged with design web

Looby Macnamara's Design Web is a design process. You can read about it in her book People & Permaculture. I resonate with using its anchor points and allowing jumping between points as questions come up and get answered.

The tool gives 12 different anchor points to use as a starting point …

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Bullet Journal

Posted on vr 05 mei 2023 in tools • Tagged with bullet journaling, year compass, feedback

I have started bullet journaling on 20 December 2019. I have kept to a very minimal set of collections.

Ryder Carroll encourages you to record an intention for your bullet journaling practice. Mine is: "I want my BuJo practice to help me record the ebb and flow of my life …

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Permaculture Ethics and Principles

Posted on vr 05 mei 2023 in tools • Tagged with permaculture, ethics, Holmgren principles, attitudinal principles


  • Earth care
  • People care
  • Fair share / Future care

To consider for Earth Care and Future Care:

  • Refuse
  • Rethink
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Repair
  • Repurpose
  • Recycle
  • Recover

Attitudinal principles

  • Multiple elements x multiple functions
  • Everything gardens
  • The problem is the solution
  • Yield is theoretically unlimited
  • Work with nature
  • Minimum effort, maximum effect …

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Thinking in Patterns

Posted on vr 05 mei 2023 in tools • Gewijzigd op 08 mei 2024 • Tagged with thinking in patterns

Below is a list of patterns found in nature. Every pattern is a response to a specific challenge.

  • branching / fractal
    • scattering or gathering information / nutrients
    • cover a lot of surface with little material requirements
  • circle / ring / torus
    • strong
    • small interior, large exterior
    • used for constriction
  • cloud
    • dispersed, low density
    • saturation …

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Mental Inventory

Posted on vr 05 mei 2023 in tools • Tagged with mental inventory, bullet journaling

I first came across the mental inventory when I started using the Bullet Journal method.

Find the original explanation here.

  • Create it by rapid logging / brain dumping into three columns
    • Things I am working on
    • Things I should be working on
    • Things I want to be working on
  • Filter your …

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Web of Goals

Posted on di 13 december 2022 in tools • Gewijzigd op 13 september 2023 • Tagged with web of goals

Web of Goals is a technique proposed by Jacob Lund Fisker. It tries to map out a set of goals in a holistic way. Because for every goal we choose, there are consequences - positive and negative. In permaculture the attitudinal principle Everything gardens expresses this same sentiment.

A module groups …

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