Patterns in Business

Posted on vr 31 mei 2024 in tools

Some of the patterns most businesses will face at some point.

  • legal structure
  • record keeping
    • bookkeeping
      • what counts as business expense
      • what counts as income
      • is the business liable for taxes
        • VAT
        • income or corporate tax
      • when does income become taxable
        • at the moment of sale or at the moment of payment
      • who keeps the books?
        • owner / dedicated employee / external bookkeeper or accountant
    • archival requirements
      • number of years
      • accessibility of records
  • viability assessment
    • trends in expenses and income
      • recurring expenses (try to reduce)
      • incidental expenses
      • recurring income (try to increase)
      • incidental income
    • what is my burn rate
      • burn rate is months or years before financial buffer is depleted at current expense levels
    • when is my business reaching break even
      • break even is when income equals or exceeds expenses, i.e. there is a surplus
    • when is my business making profit
      • when will all incurred losses in the previous years have been recuperated by the surplus generated by the business
  • regulatory environment
    • tax requirements
      • schedule for VAT payments to the government
      • schedule for income or corporate taxes
      • need for an accountant or tax specialist
    • certificates
    • licenses
    • (in)voluntary membership to a professional organization
    • cost of these add to the expenses
  • sales process
    • who is my client?
    • why should my client choose me? Unique Selling Points
    • how do I reach my client
      • personal visits
        • cold calling
        • introductions through other people
      • word of mouth
      • (social) media / advertising
    • how can people reach my business
      • opening hours
      • physical store / place of business
      • by telephone
      • by email
      • by contact form on website
      • by messaging service (Whatsapp / Signal / Telegram / ...)
    • what are my products and services
    • setting prices / how much to charge
  • fulfillment process
    • purchasing
      • where to get the products
      • how much delay between ordering and receiving
    • warehousing
      • how much stock is needed to smooth out delays
    • production
      • does my business modify the products in any way
      • what is needed for that
    • packaging and shipping
      • how to package the product
      • how to get the finished product to the client / customer