Project Gunsleben - General design - Planning phase

Posted on vr 13 juli 2018 in designs • Gewijzigd op 24 juli 2018 • Tagged with permaculture, dragon dreaming, dragon dreaming planning, Gunsleben, ethics, Holmgren principles, ways to die, dragon dreaming celebrating, abandoned design

This is the place where we analyze and consider alternatives. See the design overview for the big picture.

Note: this design has been abandoned.

Consideration of Alternatives


  • Earth care
    • Reduce
      • create small living spaces, easily heated
      • use solar energy where possible
      • limited use of power tools, tractors and other …

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Project Gunsleben - General Design - Dreaming phase

Posted on di 10 juli 2018 in surveys • Tagged with permaculture, general design, dragon dreaming, dragon dreaming dreaming, Gunsleben, client interview, mapping, ways of observing, forms of capital, flow, history

This is the place we gather information about the project. See the design overview for the big picture.

Loes and Brand are hereafter referred to as the parents.


map of the site

Map created from satellite image, openstreetmap and provided sketch. Download and open the file in a vector …

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