Project Gunsleben - General Design - Overview

Posted on di 10 juli 2018 in designs • Tagged with permaculture, general design, dragon dreaming, SpEmBoM, SADIMet, dreaming circle, dragon dreaming dreaming, dragon dreaming planning, dragon dreaming doing, dragon dreaming celebrating, Karabirrdt, abandoned design

This work is the result of a PDC held in Gunsleben, Germany. The first week was from June 30th 2018 to July 7th 2018. The second week was from September 16th 2018 to September 23th 2018. At the end of the first week the participants divided into three design teams …

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Design Gunsleben - General Design - Meetings

Posted on za 07 juli 2018 in meetings • Gewijzigd op 24 juli 2018 • Tagged with permaculture, general design, meetings, 4 questions, dreaming circle, Karabirrdt


Roy and I kicked our project off on 2018-07-07 Saturday, the last day of the first week of the PDC in Gunsleben.

We created a Dream Circle to get at the dream for this project.

At the end we celebrated having come up with the dreams. We set up …

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