PASTE survey for the backyard (2018)
Posted on ma 21 mei 2018 in surveys
This survey is part of designing the backyard
The extra information for each plant is derived from the following sources:
- English wikipedia
- Dutch wikipedia
- Plants for a future
- Nederlandse Eetbare Planten en Paddenstoelen Database
- Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca (mirabelle plum / mirabel)
- only one, takes up most of the space in the backyard
- due to microclimate blooms March / April (normally April / May)
- cultivar Mirabelle de Nancy
- great for making jam
- Chelidonium majus (greater celandine / stinkende gouwe)
- toxic in moderate doses
- use latex to treat warts
- attracts pollenators
- Elytrigia repens (couch grass / kweek)
- Fragaria vesca (wild strawberry / bosaardbei)
- Potentilla indica (mock strawberry / schijnaardbei)
- blooms May / October with yellow flowers
- fruit looks like strawberry but has no taste
- Taraxacum officinale (dandilion / paardenbloem)
- edible
- young leaves are less bitter
- make syrup from flowers
- tap root
- blooms from April
- Geranium robertianum (Herb-Robert / robertskruid)
- used as a remedy for toothache and nosebleeds
- used for or useful in healing wounds
- Hedera helix (common ivy / klimop)
- used for soaps
- Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke / aardpeer)
- used like mashed potatoes or in soup
- Pastinaca sativa (parsnip / pastinaak)
- main supplier of calories before potatoes were introduced
- cook or fry
- Solanum tuberosum (potato / aardappel)
- Tradescantia virginiana (Virginia spiderwort / eendagsbloem)
- Crocosmia 'Lucifer' (Crocosmia / Montbretia)
- yellow juice from the flower can be used as a substitute for saffron
- Digitalis purpurea (foxglove / vingerhoedskruid)
- toxic
- used in medicine to treat heart problems
- Hosta (hosta / hosta)
- edible for humans, stem and leaves, raw and cooked
- toxic to cats, dogs and horses
- Humulus lupulus (common hop / hop)
- Hydrangea macrophylla (bigleaf hydrangea / gewone hortensia)
- attracts pollenators
- Lamium purpureum (red dead-nettle / paarse dovenetel)
- ripe flowers contain nectar
- flowers are edible
- leafs can be used in salad, soups or briefly boiled like spinach
- make tea from dried leafs
- Lonicera caprifolium (Italian woodbine / gewone kamperfoelie)
- Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm / citroenmelisse)
- scent attracts bees
- make tea from leaves
- use as flavouring for dishes
- source of essential oil
- Mentha suaveolens (Apple mint / witte munt)
- blooms July - October
- make tea from leaves
- source of essential oil
- Phytolacca esculenta (Indian Pokeweed / Oosterse karmozijnbes)
- young shoots can be eaten
- seeds, root and unripe berries are poisonous
- berries can be used as colorant
- Viola odorata (wood violet / Maarts viooltje)
- used in fragrances, perfumes and syrups
- leafs are edible
- used to treat respiratory ailments, insomnia and skin disorders
- Acer palmatum (Japanese maple / Japanse esdoorn)
- Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry / Japanse berberis)
- important food source for small birds
- Bryophyta (moss / mos)
- Buddleja davidii (summer lilac / vlinderstruik)
- food for butterflies
- blooms only on non-wooded parts
- blooms July / September
- Buxus sempervirens (common box / buxus)
- heavily damaged by Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth / buxusmot) in 2018
- Campanula poscharskyana (Serbian bellflower / kruipklokje)
- blooms lavender-blue from mid-spring to early autumn
- leaves are edible year round
- Chlorophyta (green algae / groenwier)
- Crocus vernus subsp. vernus (spring crocus / bonte krokus)
- Euphorbia platyphyllos (Broad-leaf Spurge / Brede wolfsmelk)
- Erigeron canadensis (horseweed / Canadese fijnstraal)
- used to treat boils, snake poison and menstrual pain
- Forsythia × intermedia (border forsythia / Chinees klokje)
- Hebe odora? (hebe / hebe)
- Hesperis matronalis (dame's rocket / damastbloem)
- biennials or short-lived perennials
- self seeds quickly, forming dense stands
- Muscari botryoides (grape hyacinth / blauwe druifjes)
- Myosotis sylvatica (woodland forget-me-not / bosvergeet-me-nietje)
- short-lived herbaceous perennial or biennial growing to 12–30 cm tall by 15 cm wide
- Oxalis articulata Savigny (pink-sorrel / oxalis)
- native to South America, naturalized in Europe
- the leaves contain oxalic acid, which gives them their sharp flavour
- edible in small quantities, the leaves should not be eaten in large amounts
- Pieris japonica (Japanese pieris / rotsheide)
- bumblebee favourite
- poisonous
- blooms February / March
- died in 2018 drought (backyard)
- Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel / laurierkers)
- leaves contain hydrogen cyanide (blauwzuur)
- berries are food for birds
- Rheum rhabarbarum (rhubarb / rabarber)
- died in 2018 drought
- Rhododendron ? ( / Rhododendron)
- Ribes nigrum (blackcurrant / zwarte bes)
- Ribes rubrum (redcurrant / rode bes)
- Ribes sanguineum Pursh (red-flowering currant / rode ribes)
- edible berry, insipid taste
- bumblebee favourite
- blooms March - April
- Ribes uva-crispa (gooseberry / kruisbes)
- Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary / rozemarijn)
- blooms April - June
- Rubus idaeus (raspberry / framboos)
- Skimmia japonica var. japonica (skimmia / skimmia)
- Stellaria (starwort / muur)
- Trifolium repens (white clover / witte klaver)
- fixes nitrogen
- Tulipa tarda (tulip / tulp)
- leaves can be used as soap
- Vaccinium corymbosum (northern highbush blueberry / blauwe bes)
- died in 2018 drought
- Viburnum tinus (laurustinus / sneeuwbol)
- fruits have been used as purgatives against constipation
- flowers in winter
- tropical plants
- Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard / look-zonder-look)
- biennial plant
- chopped leaves used flavoring in salads and sauces such as pesto
- flowers and fruit can be included as well
- leaves are best when young, and provide a mild flavor of both garlic and mustard
- the seeds are sometimes used to season food directly
- used as a disinfectant or diuretic and sometimes to heal wounds
- Nepeta cataria (catnip / wild kattenkruid)
- Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese wineberry / Japanse wijnbes)
Removed / died / disappeared
- Allium ursinum (wild garlic / daslook)
- Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea' (elephant-eared saxifrage / schoenlappersplant)
- Carduus (thistle / distel)
- Ocimum basilicum (basil / basilicum)
- Rosa (rose / roos)
- Pinophyta (conifer / conifeer)
- Taxus baccata (European yew / taxus)
- Thuja occidentalis (northern white-cedar / westerse levensboom)
- Thymus citriodorus (lemon thyme / citroentijm)
- Urtica dioica (common nettle / grote brandnetel)
Annual plants tried
- Allium cepa var. cepa (spring onion / lenteui)
- Allium sativum (garlic / knoflook)
- Allium schoenoprasum (chives / bieslook)
- Cucumis sativus (cucumber / komkommer)
- Cucurbita maxima var. hubbaridianna (pumpkin / hokkaido-pompoen)
- Cucurbita pepo (eggplant / courgette)
- Foeniculum vulgare (fennel / venkel)
- Helianthus annuus (common sunflower / zonnebloem)
- Petroselinum crispum (parsley / peterselie)
- Pisum sativum (pea / erwt)
- Raphanus sativus subsp. sativus (radish / radijs)
- Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (cherry tomato / kerstomaat)
- Tropaeolum majus (Indian cress / oostindische kers)
Also in the neighborhood
- Aegopodium podagraria (ground elder / zevenblad)
- appears as early as February
- flowers in May to June
- tender leaves used as a spring leaf vegetable, much as spinach
- dried leaves taste like parsely
- after flowering leaves take on a pungent taste and have a laxative effect
- flowering can be stopped by pinching out the flowers
- medicinal herb to treat gout and arthritis, applied in hot wraps externally upon boiling both leaves and roots together
- ingested, the leaves have a diuretic effect and act as a mild sedative
- Aesculus hippocastanum (horse-chestnut / paardenkastanje)
- Bellis perennis (common daisy / madeliefje)
- Betula pendula (silver birch / ruwe berk)
- Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut / tamme kastanje)
- Chaenomeles japonica (Maule's quince / Japanse sierkwee)
- we used this fruit in jam
- Claytonia perfoliata (Indian lettuce / winterpostelein)
- resistant to frost
- important source of vitamin C and minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron
- whole plant is edible
- Corylus avellana (common hazel / hazelaar)
- Crataegus laevigata (midland hawthorn / tweestijlige meidoorn) - near canal
- Crataegus monogyna (common hawthorn / eenstijlige meidoorn) - hedges
- Fallopia baldschuanica (Russian-vine / Chinese bruidssluier)
- Hypericum perforatum (/ sint-janskruid?)
- Jacobaea vulgaris (common ragwort / Jakobskruiskruid)
- Malus domestica (apple / appel)
- Prunus cerasifera Nigra (Purple-leaf plum / mirabel) - neighbor's garden
- Quercus rubra (northern red oak / Amerikaanse eik) - side of the street
- Rubus allegheniensis (common blackberry / braam)
- Sambucus nigra (elderberry / gewone vlier)
- Taxus cuspidata (Japanese yew / taxus)
- insects
- Apis millifera carnica (Carniolan honey bee / Carnica honingbij)
- Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth / buxusmot)
- Grapholita funebrana (plum fruit moth / pruimenmot)
- overwinters in Prunus fruits like plums
- two generations per year
- moths fly from end of April to well in September
- solitary bees
- Andrena fulva (tawny mining bee / vosje)
- bumble bees
- Bombus terrestris (buff-tailed bumblebee / aardhommel)
- Bombus lapidarius (red-tailed bumblebee / steenhommel)
- hoverflies / zweefvliegen
- Syrphus vitripennis (hoverfly / kleine bandzweefvlieg)
- Lasius niger (black garden ant / wegmier) ???
- Calliphoridae (blow flies / bromvliegen)
- Lucilia caesar (common greenbottle / groene keizersvlieg) ???
- Culicidae (mosquito / steekmug)
- Aphidoidea (aphid / bladluis)
- beetles / kevers
- Leptinotarsa decemlineata (/ coloradokever)
- Pyrrhocoris apterus (firebug / vuurwants)
- Coccinellidae (lady bug / lieveheersbeestje)
- Coccinella undecimpunctata (/ elfstippelig lieveheersbeestje)
- worms / wormen
- Lumbricus terrestris (common earthworm / gewone regenworm)
- snails / slakken
- Arion rufus (red slug / gewone wegslak)
- Helix pomatia (Roman snail / wijngaardslak)
- geleedpotigen
- Porcellio scaber (common rough woodlouse / gewone pissebed)
- spiders
- birds / vogels
- Accipiter nisus (sparrowhawk / sperwer)
- Columba palumbus (wood pigeon / houtduif)
- Corvus monedula (Western jackdaw / kauw)
- Cyanistes caeruleus (Eurasian blue tit / pimpelmees)
- Erithacus rubecula (European robin / roodborstje)
- Fringilla coelebs (common chaffinch / vink)
- Parus major (great tit / koolmees)
- Passer domesticus (house sparrow / huismus)
- Pica pica (common magpie / ekster)
- Sturnus vulgaris (common starling / spreeuw)
- Turdus merula (common blackbird / merel)
- mammals / zoogdieren
- Felis silvestris catus (domesticated cat / huiskat)
- Homo sapiens sapiens (human / mens)
- Mus musculus (house mouse / huismuis)
- House
- Shed
- Gate
- Concrete tile seating area and path
- Wooden fence
- Concrete fence
- Neighbors extension (stone, flat roof)
- Neighbors extension (steel, pitched roof)
- Compost bin
- Wooden bench
- Rain barrel
- Mini containers for general waste and garden waste
- Gardening pots and containers
- Gardening tools
- Gardening pots
- Construction tools
- Bicycles
- humans walk house → shed → gate and back
- humans walk house → compost bin and back
- humans sit in garden
- humans walk, work, harvest in garden
- humans walk by front garden with dogs
- cats visit garden
- 4 seasons
- 792 mm rain / year