PASTE survey allotment garden (2018)
Posted on ma 31 december 2018 in surveys
Starting from 2018-09-01, Ina and I have rented an allotment at an association nearby. This survey lists the different species discovered.
- Alium ? (onion family / uienfamilie)
- Amaranthus blitum (purple amaranth / Kleine Majer)
- leafs edible like spinach
- Brassica juncea ssp. Juncea (Chinese mustard/ amsoi)
- cultivar King Mustard
- cultivar Red Giant
- cultivar Florida Broadleaf / Nan Fung / Grade 1
- Brassica rapa var. chinensis (bok choi / paksoi)
- Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse / herderstasje)
- Brassicacea family
- Carduus crispus (curly plumeless thistle / kruldistel)
- Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut / tamme kastanje)
- only a stump remains; may be near death
- Cerastium glomeratum (sticky mouse-ear chickweed /
- The leaves and shoots were used as a wild food in ancient China. In Nepal, the juice of this plant was applied to the forehead to relieve headaches. The juice could also be dropped into the nostrils to treat nosebleeds.
- Chenopodium album (lamb's quarters / melganzevoet)
- cultivated as a grain or vegetable crop (such as in lieu of spinach), as well as animal feed in Asia and Africa
- as some of the common names suggest, it is also used as feed (both the leaves and the seeds) for chickens and other poultry.
- Commelina communis (Asiatic dayflower / -)
- medicinal herb with febrifugal, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic effects
- also used for treating sore throats and tonsillitis
- Digitalis purpurea (foxglove / vingerhoedskruid)
- Epilobium hirsutum (great willowherb / harig wilgenroosje)
- Fallopia convolvulus (black-bindweed / zwaluwtong)
- grows most commonly on disturbed or cultivated land, in northern Europe typically on warm, sunny, well-drained sandy or limestone soil types
- seeds are edible, and were used in the past as a food crop
- Galinsoga parviflora (Gallant Soldier / kaal knopkruid)
- Houttuynia cordata (fish mint / moerasanemoon)
- Humulus lupulus (common hop / hop)
- Juglans regia (common walnut / okkernoot)
- Lamium amplexicaule (henbit dead-nettle / hoenderbeet)
- The leaves, stem, and flowers of the plant are edible and have a slightly sweet and peppery flavor, similar to celery. Henbit can be eaten raw or cooked.
- Leonorus cardiaca (motherwort / hartgespan)
- herbacious, perennial, mint family
- leafs used to spice pea and lentil soup
- attractive for bumble bees
- used in treating heart disease and muscle cramps
- Lycium barbarum (Chinese wolfberry / boksdoorn)
- berries known as gojiberry
- nightshade family
- Malva sylvestris (common mallow / groot kaasjeskruid)
- Medicago sativa ( / lucerne)
- Myosotis arvensis (field forget-me-not / akkervergeet-mij-nietje)
- Myosotis discolor (changing forget-me-not / veelkleurig vergeet-mij-nietje)
- Oenothera biennis ( / middelste teunisbloem)
- Papaver somniferum (breadseed poppy / slaapbol)
- Petunia axillaris (large white petunia / petunia)
- Portulaca oleracea (common purslane / postelein)
- Potentilla indica (mock strawberry / schijnaardbei)
- Pulmonaria affinis Jord. (lungwort / tuinlongkruid)
- Rumex acetosella (sheep's sorrel / schapenzuring)
- Rumex obtusifolius (bitter dock / ridderzuring)
- Scrophularia auriculata ( / geoord helmkruid)
- Solanum lycopersicum (tomato / tomaat)
- Solanum nigrum (black nightshade / zwarte nachtschade)
- Solanum tuberosum (potato / aardappel)
- Stellaria media (chickweed / vogelmuur)
- Tanacetum parthenium ( / moederkruid)
- Urtica dioica (common nettle / grote brandnetel)
- Urtica urens (dwarf nettle / kleine brandnetel)
- Verbena officinalis (common verbena / ijzerhard)
- herb, perennial
- use as tea for treating infection and fever
- Viola tricolor (Johnny Jump up / driekleurig viooltje)
- Zinnia elegans (common zinnia / zinnia)
- birds / vogels
- Columba palumbus (wood pigeon / houtduif)
- Corvus monedula (Western jackdaw / kauw)
- Erithacus rubecula (European robin / roodborstje)
- Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian jay / gaai)
- Phasianus colchicus (pheasant / fazant)
- Pica pica (common magpie / ekster)
- Troglodytes troglodytes (/ winterkoning)
- mammals / zoogdieren
- Felis silvestris catus (domesticated cat / huiskat)
- Homo sapiens sapiens (human / mens)
- Mus musculus (house mouse / huismuis)
- insects / beetles
- atalanta
- koolwitje
- shed
- two greenhouses
- concrete tile seating area and path
- fence made from wood and chicken wire
- two compost bins
- two rain barrels
- small gardening tools
- plastic gardening pots
- humans walk by garden along main path
- humans sit in garden
- humans walk, work, harvest in garden
- cats visit garden
- 607 mm rain (Januari through December 2018)