PASTE survey food forest Weverkeshof (2018)
Posted on ma 26 maart 2018 in surveys
This is part of the design for a food forest in Nuenen.
In this section we list the available plants, animals, structures, tools and events we have observed directly or indirectly at the Weverkeshof in 2018.
- Aegopodium podagraria (ground elder / zevenblad)
- Arum maculatum (snakeshead / gevelkte aronskelk)
- Bryophyta (moss / mos) (a lot)
- Crocus vernus ( / krokus)
- Fragaria vesca (wild strawberry / bosaardbei)
- Galium aparine ( / kleefkruid)
- Geranium phaeum ( / donkere ooievaarsbek)
- Glechoma hederacea ( / hondsdraf)
- Hedera helix (ivy / klimop) (on some of the trees)
- Lamium album ( / witte dovenetel)
- Lamium purpureum ( / paarse dovenetel)
- Myosotis sylvatica ( / vergeet-me-nietje)
- Narcissus (daffodil / narcis)
- Plantago major (plantago / grote weegbree)
- Prunus avium (wild cherry / zoete kers)
- Prunus insititia (mirabel / mirabel) (most trees)
- Ranunculus repens ( / kruipende boterbloem) inedible
- Rubus fruticosus (blackberry / braam)
- Rumex obtusifolius ( / ridderzuring)
- Sambucus nigra (elderberry / gewone vlier)
- Silene dioica ( / dagkoekoeksbloem)
- Urtica dioica (nettle / grote brandnetel)
- gras
- speenkruid
- viooltje (onbekend welke, 3-kleurig?)
Behind the fence by the stream we also saw:
- Alnus incana (grey alder / grauwe els) (propjes op de grond)
- Juglans regia (common walnut / walnoot)
- Quercus rubra (American oak / Amerikaanse eik) (leaves on the ground)
- Rubus fruticosus (blackberry / braam)
- Salix caprea ( / boswilg)
- Urtica dioica (nettle / grote brandnetel)
- several young saplings
- Homo sapiens sapiens (human / mens)
- Ovis orientalis aries (sheep / schaap)
- Equus africanus asinus (donkey / ezel)
- Equus ferus caballus (horse / paard)
- Oryctolagus cuniculus (European rabbit / konijn)
- Rattus norvegicus or Rattus rattus (Brown or black rat / bruine of zwarte rat)
- Talpa europaea (European mole / mol)
- Pavo cristatus (Indian peafowl / blauwe pauw)
- ( / roodborst)
- Several types of birds
- Insects
- Possible life in the stream
- fences around meadows and property
- owl nesting box in one of the trees
- further away:
- bee shed
- compost piles
- manure piles
- animal sheds
- green house
- area for general garden waste
- farm house
- gardening tools (coutesy of Garden team)
- wood chipper (Susanne)
From the events list of the Weverkeshof
- Christmas festival - "levende kerststal"
- (Irish) music sessions
- Easter activities
- yearly book market (September)
- sheep shearing
- demonstration honey extraction
- pollarding of willows (every two / three years)
- picking prunes for selling